Become a MAEOE Member
WHO are MAEOE members?
MAEOE members include a wide variety of people working in (or interested in) environmental education and related fields. MAEOE members include environmental professionals, classroom teachers, naturalists, environmental educators, outdoor center staff and many others who have an interest in working with children, young people and adults in environmental education. We are an inclusive organization which supports diverse communities.
Why should I become a member?
Members enjoy conference and workshop discounts, two electronic newsletters a year, as well as professional development and networking opportunities. Specific discounts include registration for the MAEOE Annual Conference and the Environmental Educator Certification Program. Members can get involved in MAEOE by serving on board committees, including the Green School Committee, the Environmental Certification Committee, and the Finance & Membership Committee. In addition, members can feel proud to be a supporter of a nationally recognized education association.
How do I become a member?
Visit My MAEOE Profile to register as a new member or renew your membership.
Membership fees:
Individual- $40 or 2yr = $70
• MAEOE Annual Conferences registration discount
Organizational (non-profit/government/school)-
• Professional Development opportunities including workshops
• Recognition as a supporter of a nationally recognized environmental education association
Organization (Blue Crab Level)- $150 or 2yr = $275
• Member discount for up to 5 staff to the MAEOE Annual Conferences
Organization (Terrapin Level)- $300
• Member discount for up to 10 staff to the MAEOE Annual Conferences
Organization (Monarch Level)- $450
• Member discount for up to 15 staff to the MAEOE Annual Conferences
Organization (Snowy Owl Level)- $600
• Member discount for up to 20 staff to the MAEOE Annual Conferences
Corporate- $1000 or 2yr = $1500
Corporation will enjoy all benefits listed in organizational membership level plus:
• Link to corporate website from MAEOE website
• Member discount to conferences and regional workshops with special recognition as a corporate member (name tag w/designation as corporate supporter)
Student (must be a full time student)- $15
• MAEOE Annual Conferences registration discount
About Membership Renewal:
Renewal is rotating, one year from initial and subsequent memberships. Or at the end of the second year if you purchase a two year membership. Letters reminding members of their membership term will go out to members one month prior to the end of their term.